Plugin Tag: debug
Simple PHP Info
(0 total ratings)Displays the phpinfo() table in the WordPress dashboard and creates a shortcode for use in posts and pages.
Code Quality Control Tool
(1 total ratings)Plugin that allows you to see all PHP errors and helps you troubleshoot a misbehaving theme or plugin.
Debug Elementor
(1 total ratings)Debugging plugin for Elementor to display post/page data saved by Elementor page builder.
CL WP Info
(3 total ratings)Show us information about WordPress install, PHP, Database and Hosting Server
WP Log Action
(1 total ratings)Add error or debug logging in your code and leave it there. Logs will only be recorded with this plugin, otherwise will be ignored.
Debug Status display
(0 total ratings)Displays if WP_DEBUG is active in the admin footer. This plugin can be used alone or together with the "Server IP & Memory Usage Display" plugin.
Disable Deprecated Warnings
(1 total ratings)Prevents plugins from showing deprecated errors in the WordPress admin.
Debug Bar Transients
(1 total ratings)Debug Bar Transients adds a new panel to Debug Bar that displays information about WordPress transients.
WP Email Debug
(2 total ratings)Never accidentally send users emails from your testing sites again!
(2 total ratings)Plugin implements the awesome dBug class created by Kwaku Otchere for use in WordPress plugin debugging
WP Live Debug
(0 total ratings)Enables debugging and adds a screen into the WordPress Admin to view the debug.log.
Debug Meta Data
(1 total ratings)Creates a meta-box with meta-data information of a post for all post types. Information with meta key, meta value and its var_dump
Simple Debug Info Panel
(1 total ratings)Simple Debug Info Panel shows a little box on your site with helpful debugging info for developers: post/page ID, which template is being used, etc.
JSM Show Registered Shortcodes
(1 total ratings)Simple and lightweight plugin to show all registered shortcodes under a "Registered Shortcodes" toolbar menu item.