Plugin Tag: advanced-custom-field
ACF Flexible Content Modal
(7 total ratings)Make ACF Flexible Content editing the content of each layout using a Modal window.
ACF: Google Map Extended
(6 total ratings)ACF field. Saves map center, zoom level. Disables map zooming on scroll. Shows location coordinates. Bonus for programmers.
Advanced Custom Fields: Number Slider
(6 total ratings)Number Slider field for Advanced Custom Fields
Frontend Editor ACF
(2 total ratings)The frontend editor for Advanced Custom Field. I helps you to quickly edit post custom fields (created using Advanced Custom Fields) from the frontend …
Advanced Custom Fields: Multiple Coordinates
(4 total ratings)This is an add-on to ACF that adds a field to select multiple Google Map points in a post.
Forms actions
(0 total ratings)Forms actions – plugin to realize form actions like send email, create post, pool requests. Now work only with ACF forms (in feauture with Ninja Forms …
Blocks for ACF Fields
(1 total ratings)Seamlessly integrates Advanced Custom Fields into the WordPress block editor, display custom fields effortlessly without any coding.
ACF Post Types TMC
(0 total ratings)Select field for choosing a WordPress Post Types for a radio populated with post types. Add-on for Advanced Custom Fields.